Mala Mala, Rattray ReservesThe MalaMala Wildlife CyberDiary

MalaMala Diary Entry: 14 July 1998

This week saw the death of a young male white rhino, probably the result of injuries sustained from a fight with another rhino. As tragic as this Lions eating. The MalaMala CyberDiary -  24 June 1998. Game drives, sightings of leopard, lion, impala, elephant, antelope, predators, birds. Africa's most popular wildlife destination in Mpumalanga, South Africa. A perfect place to be for adventure, game viewing, an exciting safari. Best accommodation and service. Luxury lodge, camp. Drives in open 4X4 vehicles. Harry's Camp, Kirkman's Kamp. death was, the carcass was not wasted and four lionesses and two male lions soon completed eating most of it - the remaining bits were consumed by hyaenas. As with many other carnivores, lions are as opportunistic as they come and will eat even some of the most rotten meat. This week's lion viewing at Mala Mala saw a continuation of the establishment of the four male lions in the territory from which they have ousted the three Manyelethi males. The focus has been on the domination of the females, probably resulting in the killing of the cubs of the Marthly pride. The Styx pride have not been a major presence, staying to the north of the range of these four lions. However, other prides, including the Eyrefield and Marthly prides, have probably now fallen to their power. One amusing incident this week entailed watching two of these male lions attempting to attack a large herd of buffalo - there was certainly no lack of enthusiasm but they lacked the necessary co-ordination and were routed by the buffalo.

ElElephant. The MalaMala CyberDiary -  24 June 1998. Game drives, sightings of leopard, lion, impala, elephant, antelope, predators, birds. Africa's most popular wildlife destination in Mpumalanga, South Africa. A perfect place to be for adventure, game viewing, an exciting safari. Best accommodation and service. Luxury lodge, camp. Drives in open 4X4 vehicles. Harry's Camp, Kirkman's Kamp.ephant sightings have been plentiful with large numbers of breeding herds as well as bulls. One group of at least half a dozen males has been encountered on a regular basis. Elephants of this number and size are able to do some serious modification to the environment, particularly to the trees at this time of year when the grass is of low quality. Trees are pushed over not only to reach potentially green shoots, but also to access the roots which may house stored reserves.

Leopard viewing at Mala Mala has been superb, with the White Cloth female and her cub providing some of the finest viewing. This week drag marks were followed to a tree where both leopards were feeding on not one but two kills, theLeopards in tree. The MalaMala CyberDiary -  24 June 1998. Game drives, sightings of leopard, lion, impala, elephant, antelope, predators, birds. Africa's most popular wildlife destination in Mpumalanga, South Africa. A perfect place to be for adventure, game viewing, an exciting safari. Best accommodation and service. Luxury lodge, camp. Drives in open 4X4 vehicles. Harry's Camp, Kirkman's Kamp. one being a young bushbuck, the other an adult female duiker. Leopards are opportunists and the female probably killed one of the antelope, secured it in the tree and then returned to where she had left her cub. Upon returning she could have seen the other antelope and killed it too. As with some other carnivores such as lions and hyaenas, leopards do not seem to mind rotting meat and have been known to have a "larder" of kills - each kill is secured from competing predators, usually by hoisting it up a tree to be eaten at leisure.

THerd of impala. The MalaMala CyberDiary -  24 June 1998. Game drives, sightings of leopard, lion, impala, elephant, antelope, predators, birds. Africa's most popular wildlife destination in Mpumalanga, South Africa. A perfect place to be for adventure, game viewing, an exciting safari. Best accommodation and service. Luxury lodge, camp. Drives in open 4X4 vehicles. Harry's Camp, Kirkman's Kamp.he rutting season is now at an end and peace is the order of the day - the bachelor herds of males are starting to integrate with the groups of females. From now until the breeding season all can focus on getting sufficient water and food and looking out for the multitude of predators which feast on them.

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